A Signal Source is the block that injects a continuous stream of raw samples of GNSS signal to the processing flow graph. This is an abstraction that wraps all kinds of sources, from samples stored in files (in a variety of formats) to multiple sample streams delivered in real-time by radiofrequency front-ends.

The input of a software receiver are the raw bits that come out from the front-end’s analog-to-digital converter (ADC), as sketched in the figure below. Those bits can be read from a file stored in the hard disk or directly in real-time from a hardware device through USB or Ethernet buses.

Simplified block diagram of a generic radio frequency front-end, consisting of an antenna, an amplification stage, downshifting from RF to an intermediate frequency (or baseband), filtering, sampling, and an interface to a host computer for real-time processing mode, or to a storage device for post-processing.

The Signal Source block is in charge of implementing the hardware driver, that is, the portion of the code that communicates with the RF front-end and receives the samples coming from the ADC. This communication is usually performed through USB or Ethernet buses. Since real-time processing requires a highly optimized implementation of the whole receiver, this module also allows reading samples from a file stored in a hard disk, and thus processing without time constraints. Relevant parameters of those samples are the intermediate frequency (or baseband I&Q components), the sampling rate, and the number of bits per sample, which must be specified by the user in the configuration file, as shown below.

This block also performs bit-depth adaptation, since most of the existing RF front-ends provide samples quantized with 2 or 3 bits, while operations inside the processor are performed on 32- or 64-bit words, depending on its architecture. Although there are implementations of the most intensive computational processes (mainly correlation) that take advantage of specific data types and architectures for the sake of efficiency, the approach is processor-specific and hardly portable. We suggest keeping signal samples in standard data types and letting the compiler select the best library version (implemented using SIMD or any other processor-specific technology) of the required routines for a given processor.

For more details about sample formats, please check out our tutorial on data types in GNSS-SDR.

The more kinds of signal sources GNSS-SDR is able to work with, the better is its Interoperability.

Reading data from a file

The user can configure the receiver for reading from a file, setting in the configuration file the data file location, sample format, and the sampling and intermediate frequencies at which the signal was originally captured.

Real signals sampled at an intermediate frequency can be downshifted to baseband (and thus expressed as complex samples) by the Freq_Xlating_Fir_Filter implementation of the Input Filter present at the Signal Conditioner block with its IF parameter.

Implementation: File_Signal_Source

This Signal Source implementation reads raw signal samples stored in a file, as long as they are stored in one of the following formats: byte, ibyte, short, ishort, float, or gr_complex. Their definition is as follows:

Type name in GNSS-SDR conf files Definition Sample stream
byte Signed integer, 8-bit two’s complement number ranging from -128 to 127. C++ type name: int8_t \([ S_0 ], [S_1 ], [S_2], ...\)
short Signed integer, 16-bit two’s complement number ranging from -32768 to 32767. C++ type name: int16_t \([ S_0 ], [S_1 ], [S_2], ...\)
float Defines numbers with fractional parts, can represent values ranging from approx. \(1.5 \times 10^{-45}\) to \(3.4 \times 10^{38}\) with a precision of 7 digits (32 bits). C++ type name: float \([ S_0 ], [S_1 ], [S_2], ...\)
ibyte Interleaved (I&Q) stream of samples of type byte. C++ type name: int8_t \([ S_0^{I} ], [ S_0^{Q} ], [S_1^{I} ], [S_1^{Q}], [ S_2^{I} ], [S_2^{Q}], ...\)
ishort Interleaved (I&Q) samples of type short. C++ type name: int16_t \([ S_0^{I} ], [ S_0^{Q} ], [S_1^{I} ], [S_1^{Q}], [ S_2^{I} ], [S_2^{Q}], ...\)
cbyte Complex samples, with real and imaginary parts of type byte. C++ type name: lv_8sc_t \([S_0^{I}+jS_0^{Q}],[S_1^{I}+jS_1^{Q}],[S_2^{I}+jS_2^{Q}],...\)
cshort Complex samples, with real and imaginary parts of type short. C++ type name: lv_16sc_t \([S_0^{I}+jS_0^{Q}],[S_1^{I}+jS_1^{Q}],[S_2^{I}+jS_2^{Q}],...\)
gr_complex Complex samples, with real and imaginary parts of type float. C++ type name: std::complex<float> \([S_0^{I}+jS_0^{Q}],[S_1^{I}+jS_1^{Q}],[S_2^{I}+jS_2^{Q}],...\)

Data type definition in GNSS-SDR.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation File_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Path to the file containing the raw digitized signal samples Mandatory
sampling_frequency Sample rate, in samples per second. Mandatory
samples Number of samples to be read. If set to \(0\), the whole file but the last two milliseconds are processed. It defaults to \(0\). Optional
item_type [byte, ibyte, short, ishort, float, gr_complex]: Sample data type. It defaults to gr_complex. Optional
seconds_to_skip Seconds of signal to skip from the beginning of the file before start processing. It defaults to \(0\) s. Optional
repeat [true, false]: If set to true, processing of samples restarts the file when the end is reached. It defaults to false. Optional
enable_throttle_control [true, false]: If set to true, it places a throttle controlling the data flow. It is generally not required, and it defaults to false. Optional

Signal Source implementation: File_Signal_Source

This implementation assumes that the center frequency is the nominal corresponding to the GNSS frequency band. Any known deviation from that value can be compensated by using the IF parameter of the Freq_Xlating_Fir_Filter implementation of the Input Filter present at the Signal Conditioner block, or later on in the flow graph at the Acquisition and Tracking blocks with their if parameter.

It follows an example of a Signal Source block configured with the File_Signal_Source implementation:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

Tip: The name of the file to be read (that is, SignalSource.filename) that appears on the configuration file can be overridden at the command line when invoking gnss-sdr with the flag --signal_source. Example:

$ gnss-sdr --config_file=/path/to/my_receiver.conf \

This will read the configuration file my_receiver.conf, but it will read samples from the file my_capture2.dat instead of the one specified in SignalSource.filename.

Implementation: Two_Bit_Packed_File_Signal_Source

Sometimes, samples are stored in files in a format that is not in the list of “native” types supported by the File_Signal_Source implementation (i.e, it is not among byte, ibyte, short, ishort, float, or gr_complex). This is the case of 2-bit real samples delivered at a given intermediate frequency, which is a common format for GNSS RF front-ends.

The Two_Bit_Packed_File_Signal_Source implementation allows reading two-bit length samples from a file. The data is assumed to be packed as bytes item_type=byte or shorts item_type=short so that there are 4 two-bit samples in each byte. The two-bit values are assumed to have the following interpretation:

b1 b0 Value
0 0 +1
0 1 +3
1 0 -3
1 1 -1

Within a byte, the samples may be packed in big-endian big_endian_bytes=true (if the most significant byte value is stored at the memory location with the lowest address, the next byte value in significance is stored at the following memory location, and so on) or little-endian big_endian_bytes=false (if the least significant byte value is at the lowest address, and the other bytes follow in increasing order of significance). If the order is big-endian then the most significant two bits will form the first sample output. Otherwise, the least significant two bits will be used.

Additionally, the samples may be either real sample_type=real or complex. If the sample type is complex, then the samples are either stored in the order: real, imag, real, imag, … sample_type=iq or in the order: imag, real, imag, real, … sample_type=qi.

Finally, if the data is stored as shorts item_type=short, then it may be stored in either big-endian big_endian_items=true or little-endian big_endian_items=false. If the shorts are big-endian, then the second byte in each short is output first.

The output data type is either float or gr_complex depending on whether or not sample_type is real.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Two_Bit_Packed_File_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Path to the file containing the raw digitized signal samples Mandatory
sampling_frequency Sample rate, in samples per second. Mandatory
samples Number of samples to be read. If set to \(0\), the whole file but the last two milliseconds are processed. It defaults to \(0\). Optional
item_type [byte, short]: Sample data type. It defaults to byte. Optional
repeat [true, false]: If set to true, processing of samples restarts the file when the end is reached. It defaults to false. Optional
sample_type [real, qi, iq]: Set real or complex sample types (see above). It defaults to real. Optional
big_endian_bytes [true, false]: If set to true, the most significant byte value is expected to be stored at the memory location with the lowest address. If set to false, the least significant byte value is expected at the lowest address. It defaults to false. Optional
seconds_to_skip Seconds to skip in the file header. It defaults to \(0\) s. Optional
big_endian_items [true, false]: If set to true, and the data is stored as shorts, it is interpreted as big-endian. If set to false, data is interpreted to be stored in little-endian. It defaults to true. Optional
enable_throttle_control [true, false]: If set to true, it places a throttle controlling the data flow. It is generally not required, and it defaults to false. Optional

Signal Source implementation: Two_Bit_Packed_File_Signal_Source


;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.samples=6000000000  ; Notice that 0 indicates the entire file.

Implementation: Nsr_File_Signal_Source

Sometimes, samples are stored in files in a format that is not in the list of “native” types supported by the File_Signal_Source implementation (i.e, it is not among byte, ibyte, short, ishort, float or gr_complex). This is the case of 2-bit real samples delivered at a given intermediate frequency, which is a common format found in RF front-ends:

\([S_0], [S_1], [S_2], ...\) where \([S_i]\) are 2-bit real samples.

This Signal Source implementation is able to read such format and deliver at its output a sample stream composed of samples of type byte (8-bit signed integer). This implementation delivers a stream of samples of type gr_complex.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Nsr_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Path to the file containing the raw digitized signal samples Mandatory
sampling_frequency Sample rate, in samples per second. Mandatory
samples Number of samples to be read. If set to \(0\), the whole file but the last two milliseconds are processed. It defaults to \(0\). Optional
item_type [byte]: Sample data type. Only byte is allowed in this implementation. Optional
repeat [true, false]: If set to true, processing of samples restarts the file when the end is reached. It defaults to false. Optional
enable_throttle_control [true, false]: If set to true, it places a throttle controlling the data flow. It is generally not required, and it defaults to false. Optional

Signal Source implementation: Nsr_Signal_Source

It follows an example of a Signal Source block configured with the Nsr_Signal_Source implementation:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

Tip: The name of the file to be read (that is, SignalSource.filename) that appears on the configuration file can be overridden at the command line when invoking gnss-sdr with the flag –-signal_source. Example:

$ gnss-sdr --config_file=/path/to/my_receiver.conf \

This will read the configuration file my_receiver.conf, but it will read samples from the file my_capture2.dat instead of the one specified in SignalSource.filename.

Implementation: Spir_GSS6450_File_Signal_Source


The Spirent GSS6450 Record and Playback System digitizes and stores the RF signals from real GNSS satellites along with any interference observed in the GNSS bands. These recordings are then made available for subsequent playback.

This block reads files generated by Spirent’s GSS6450, and delivers samples in format gr_complex. It accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Spir_GSS6450_File_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Path to the file containing the raw digitized signal samples. Files delivered by the GSS6450 end in .gns. Mandatory
sampling_frequency Sample rate, in samples per second. Mandatory
total_channels Number of frequency bands present in the data file. It defaults to 1. Optional
sel_ch Selected frequency band. 1 \(<=\) sel_ch \(<=\) total_channels. It defaults to 1. Optional
adc_bits [2, 4, 8, 16]: Selects 2, 4, 8 or 16 bit I/Q quantization. It defaults to 4 bits. Optional
endian [true, false]: If it is set to false, it assumes that the host machine is reading in Big Endian (that is, the byte containing the most significant bit is stored first and has the lowest memory address). If it is set to true, it assumes Little Endian reading (that is, the byte containing the most significant bit is stored last and has the highest address). It defaults to false. Optional
samples Number of samples to be read. If set to \(0\), the whole file but the last two milliseconds are processed. It defaults to \(0\). Optional
bytes_to_skip Number of bytes to skip from the beginning of the file. It defaults to 65536 bytes (which is .gns files’ header length). Optional
repeat [true, false]: If set to true, processing of samples restarts the file when the end is reached. It defaults to false. Optional
enable_throttle_control [true, false]: If set to true, it places a throttle controlling the data flow. It is generally not required, and it defaults to false. Optional

Signal Source implementation: Spir_GSS6450_File_Signal_Source


;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

Implementation: Labsat_Signal_Source


LabSat is an affordable, portable, and versatile multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Simulator.

LabSat 3 devices record and replay real-world raw sample data, allowing realistic and repeatable testing to be carried out under controlled conditions. This block reads files stored by LabSat 2 or LabSat 3 devices, and delivers a stream of samples of type gr_complex. For the LabSat 3 Wideband file format, this source can provide multiple radio frequency channels. This feature is not implemented for LabSat 2 or LabSat 3 format files.

LabSat 3 splits data into 2 GB files. This file source automatically increments the file name when the signal is split into several files: it adds “_0000.LS3” to this base path and filename. Thus, the next file will be “_0001.LS3” and so on.

The block can work as well with files generated by SatGen, the associated software that allows users to create GNSS RF I&Q or IF data files from predefined and user-defined scenarios.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Labsat_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Path to the file base name of files containing the raw digitized signal samples. For single files using the LabSat 2 or the LabSat 3 Wideband formats, write directly the name of the file. Example: output.ls2 Mandatory
selected_channel [1, 2, 3]: Select the frequency band of data present in the file. It defaults to 1. For LabSat 3 Wideband format files, this parameter admits a list of channels (i.e., SignalSource.selected_channel=1,2) and the source becomes a multiple radio frequency channel source. Optional
item_type [gr_complex]: Sample data type. Only gr_complex is allowed in this implementation. It defaults to gr_complex. Optional
enable_throttle_control [true, false]: If set to true, it throttles the output flow of samples such that the average rate does not exceed throttle_frequency_sps, thus emulating real-time operation. It defaults to false. Optional
throttle_frequency_sps If enable_throttle_control is set to true, this parameter sets the sample rate applied by the throttle. It defaults to \(16368000\) Sps. Optional
digital_io_enabled [true, false]: If set to true, indicates that the LabSat 3 Wideband file contains additional I/O data. Those digital input channels are not used. This parameter is ignored for Labsat 2 and Labsat 3 file formats. It defaults to false. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it dumps the content of the source file filename in gr_complex format. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the dump file. It defaults to labsat_output.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: Labsat_Signal_Source

It follows an example of a Signal Source block configured with the Labsat_Signal_Source implementation, for the LabSat 2 format:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.filename=./output.ls2  ; <- PUT YOUR FILE NAME HERE

For the LabSat 3 format, this would be:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.filename=./GPS_025  ; <- PUT YOUR FILE BASE NAME HERE

In this LabSat 3 format example, the names of the files would be GPS_025_0000.LS3, GPS_025_0001.LS3, and so on.

For the LabSat 3 Wideband version, this would be:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.filename=./output.LS3W  ; <- PUT YOUR FILE BASE NAME HERE

Please note that reading the LabSat 3 Wideband version requires an additional INI file with the same name as the binary file but the extension (so in the example it would be ./output.ini) and located in the same folder.

Implementation: ION_GSMS_Signal_Source

This is a signal source implementation that can read XML files that follow ION’s GNSS Software Defined Receiver Metadata Standard and properly extract sample streams on demand.

A metadata file provides a structured representation of a list of sample streams, which are stored in a specified location. The precise location and manner in which the data is stored are entirely defined within the metadata file. Consequently, users are not required to have knowledge of details such as quantization, alignment, or data packing. The only necessary configuration for the user is to specify which streams to decode and which to exclude.

This process is straightforward, as each stream within the metadata file is identified by a unique string ID. The user simply needs to supply a comma-separated list of these stream IDs. The specified streams will then be read, decoded, and presented as distinct signal sources, thereby enabling support for multi-band receivers. GNSS-SDR can automatically determine the item types and sizes based on the metadata file.

This source is not built by default. It requires explicit activation when building GNSS-SDR:

$ cmake -DENABLE_ION=ON ../

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation ION_GSMS_Signal_Source Mandatory
metadata_filename Path to the file containing the metadata. Mandatory
streams Comma-separated list of streams to be processed. Mandatory

Signal Source implementation: ION_GSMS_Signal_Source


;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

For testing purposes, this is an example of a metadata file that describes the data file used in My first position fix:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<metadata xmlns="http://www.ion.org/standards/sdrwg/schema/metadata.xsd">
    <system id="test-system">
        <freqbase format="MHz"> 4.0000000000000000e+00 </freqbase>
    <band id="L1">
        <centerfreq format="GHz"> 1.5754200000000000e+00 </centerfreq>
        <translatedfreq format="kHz"> 0.0000000000000000e+00 </translatedfreq>
        <bandwidth format="MHz"> 2.4000000000000000e+01 </bandwidth>
        <timestamp>04-Apr-2013 00:00:00</timestamp>
        <lane id="L1"/>
    <lane id="L1">
        <bandsrc idband="L1" idsrc="none"/>
        <system id="test-system"/>
                    <stream id="L1">
                        <band id="L1"/>

NOTE: the ION_GSMS_Signal_Source implementation is only present on the next branch of the upstream repository, and it will be included in the next stable release.



Reading data from a pipe

Implementation: Fifo_Signal_Source

This implementation allows using a Unix FIFO as a signal source, thus allowing to multiplex signal streams outside of gnss-sdr, letting another program to hold access to the receiver, or allowing signal sources that are not supported by gnss-sdr but can dump the signal to a FIFO.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Fifo_Signal_Source Mandatory
filename Name of the fifo stream from which samples will be read. Mandatory
sample_type [ibyte, ishort, gr_complex]: Sample type in fifo stream. It defaults to ishort. The output of this block is always gr_complex. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it dumps the content of the source file filename in gr_complex format. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the dump file. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: Fifo_Signal_Source

Example of configuration:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

Example of usage:

$ mkfifo fifo.fifo && cat path_to.bin >> fifo.fifo

Reading data from a ZeroMQ stream

Implementation: ZMQ_Signal_Source

This implementation allows for existing GNU Radio flow graphs to handle the data source control, potentially including various transformations, then publish samples via ZeroMQ. This block could subscribe to that stream.

The availability of this block requires the source code to be configured with

$ cmake -DENABLE_ZMQ=ON ..

and the GNU Radio’s gr::zeromq component installed in your system.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation ZMQ_Signal_Source Mandatory
endpoint Address of the ZMQ pub. Empty by default. Mandatory
item_type [gr_complex, short, ishort, byte, ibyte]: Data type of the samples (default: gr_complex). Optional
vlen Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item. It defaults to 1. Optional
pass_tags [true, false]: Whether source will look for and deserialize tags. It defaults to false. Optional
timeout_ms Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100 ms, 1 ms increments. Optional
hwm High Watermark to configure the socket to. It defaults to -1, which is also zmq’s default. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it dumps the content received from the ZMQ pub in a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the dump file. It defaults to ./data/zmq_dump.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: ZMQ_Signal_Source

Example of configuration:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############



Radio Frequency front-ends

Implementation: UHD_Signal_Source

Ettus Research The USRP Hardware Driver (UHD) software API supports application development on all Ettus Research’s USRP Software Defined Radio products. Using a common software interface is critical as it increases code portability, allowing applications to transition seamlessly to other USRP SDR platforms when development requirements expand or new platforms are available. Hence, it enables a significant reduction in development effort by allowing you to preserve and reuse your legacy code so you can focus on new algorithms.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation UHD_Signal_Source Mandatory
device_address IP address of the USRP device. When left empty, the device discovery routines will search all the available transports on the system (Ethernet, USB, …) Mandatory
subdevice [A:0, B:0, A:0 B:0]: UHD subdevice specification. Mandatory
sampling_frequency Set the sampling frequency, in samples per second. Mandatory
RF_channels Number of RF channels present in the front-end device. It defaults to 1. Optional
clock_source [internal, external, MIMO]: Set the clock source for the USRP device. It defaults to internal. Optional
item_type [cbyte, cshort, gr_complex]: data type for each sample. The type cbyte (i.e., complex signed 8-bit integers) is not available in USRP devices with their default configurations. This parameter defaults to cshort. Optional
otw_format [sc16 (Q16 I16), sc8 (Q8_1 I8_1 Q8_0 I8_0), sc12 (only some devices)]: Set the over-the-wire data format (that is, the sample format used between the device and the UHD). It defaults to sc16. This feature is present in GNSS-SDR v0.0.18 and later versions. Optional
device_serial Filter the device by serial number if required (useful for USB devices). It is empty by default. Optional
device_recv_frame_size The size of a single receive buffer in bytes. Default value (on MPMD-based and X300 devices): 1472 (if link rate is GigE); 8000 (if link rate is 10 GigE or 100 GigE); RX MTU (other link rates). Note that value will be capped at the link’s receive MTU. This feature is present in GNSS-SDR v0.0.18 and later versions. Optional
device_num_recv_frames The number of receive buffers to allocate. Default value: 32. This feature is present in GNSS-SDR v0.0.18 and later versions. Optional

If RF_channels is set to 1, then:

Parameter Description Required
freq Set the RF front-end center frequency, in Hz. Mandatory
IF_bandwidth_hz Set the IF passband filter bandwidth of the front-end, in Hz. It defaults to sampling_frequency / 2. Optional
gain Set the RF front-end gain, in dB, distributed across all gain elements. It defaults to \(50\) dB. Optional
samples Number of samples to be processed. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source delivered data into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the file in which internal data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: UHD_Signal_Source single-band parameters.


;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.device_address=  ; <- PUT YOUR USRP IP ADDRESS HERE

If RF_channels is set to more than one, then the number of the radio-frequency channel (starting with \(0\)) is appended to the name of parameters samples, dump, dump_filename, freq, gain and IF_bandwidth_hz to indicate to which RF chain they apply.

For instance, if RF_channels is set to 2, then:

Parameter Description Required
freq0 RF front-end center frequency for RF channel 0, in Hz. Mandatory
IF_bandwidth_hz0 Set the IF passband filter bandwidth of RF channel 0, in Hz. It defaults to sampling_frequency / 2. Optional
gain0 Set the RF front-end gain for RF channel 0, in dB, distributed across all gain elements. It defaults to \(50\) dB. Optional
samples0 Number of samples to be processed for RF channel 0. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples Optional
dump0 [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source \(0\) delivered data into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename0 If dump0 is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source0.dat Optional
freq1 RF front-end center frequency for RF channel 1, in Hz. Mandatory
IF_bandwidth_hz1 Set the IF passband filter bandwidth of RF channel 1, in Hz. It defaults to sampling_frequency / 2. Optional
gain1 Set the RF front-end gain for RF channel 1, in dB, distributed across all gain elements. It defaults to \(50\) dB. Optional
samples1 Number of samples to be processed for RF channel 1. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples Optional
dump1 [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source \(1\) delivered data into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename1 If dump1 is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source1.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: UHD_Signal_Source multiple-band parameters.

Tip: If the samples parameter is not specified, or set to \(0\), the USRP will deliver samples in a continuous way and with no specified end time, and so the software receiver will process endlessly. When configured for an infinite number of samples, please always terminate the software receiver execution by pressing key ‘q’ and then key ‘ENTER’. This will make the program to exit gracefully, doing some clean-up work and preparing output products such as RINEX files to be properly read by other software tools. This is not guaranteed if the program is interrupted for instance by pressing keys ‘CTRL’ and ‘c’ at the same time.

Implementation: Osmosdr_Signal_Source

OsmoSDR OsmoSDR is a 100 % Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. It consists of USB-attached hardware, the associated firmware as well as software tools for GNU Radio integration. The project also provides a software driver for several RF front-ends such as RTL-based dongles, HackRF, bladeRF, LimeSDR, etc.

If you installed GNSS-SDR from a software package, this implementation is already available. But if you built GNSS-SDR from the source code, you will need to install the required software dependencies (the gr-osmosdr component of GNU Radio) and configure the GNSS-SDR building with the following flag:


For more information, check out the tutorial about GNSS-SDR options at building time.

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Osmosdr_Signal_Source Mandatory
freq RF front-end center frequency, in Hz. Mandatory
gain RF front-end gain for RF channel 0, in dB. The value is spread across the receiving chain. It defaults to \(40\) dB. Optional
rf_gain RF front-end gain for the RF amplifier, in dB. It defaults to \(40\) dB. Optional
if_gain RF front-end gain for the IF amplifier, in dB. It defaults to \(40\) dB. Optional
if_bw Set the bandpass filter on the radio frontend, in Hz. It defaults to 0 (automatic selection). This feature is present in GNSS-SDR v0.0.18 and later versions. Optional
sampling_frequency Sampling frequency, in samples per second. It defaults to 2 Ms/s. Optional
AGC_enabled [true, false]: If set to true, enables Automatic Gain Control. It defaults to false. Optional
iq_balance_mode [0, 1, 2]: Set the RF front-end IQ balance mode: 0 = Off, 1 = Manual, 2 = Automatic. The automatic correction uses an algorithm to adjust for I-Q imbalance. It defaults to 2 (Automatic). This configuration parameter is currently available only in the next branch of the upstream repository and will be included in the next stable release. Optional
dc_offset_mode [0, 1, 2]: Set the RF front-end DC correction mode: 0 = Off, 1 = Manual, 2 = Automatic. The automatic correction subtracts out the long-run average. It defaults to 2 (Automatic). This configuration parameter is currently available only in the next branch of the upstream repository and will be included in the next stable release. Optional
samples Number of samples to be processed. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples. Optional
item_type [gr_complex]: Set the output data type. Only gr_complex is allowed in this version, so it is set by default. Optional
osmosdr_args Pass arguments to the OsmoSDR driver. Check the gr-osmosdr wiki for a list of arguments for your specific hardware. Optional
antenna [NONE, LNAL, LNAH, LNAW]: Select the LimeSDR RX antenna. LNAW is recommended for GNSS applications. It defaults to empty. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Please note that not all the OsmoSDR-compatible devices can work as radio frequency front-ends for proper GNSS signal reception, please check the specifications. For suitable RF front-ends, you can use:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############

Tip: To feed an active GNSS antenna, various SDRs feature a bias-tee which is activated through osmosdr_args.

In the case of using a HackRF One, you can activate the antenna feeding with:


The new RTL-SDR Blog V3 dongles ship a < 1 PPM temperature compensated oscillator (TCXO), well suited for GNSS signal processing, and a 4.5 V powered bias-tee to feed an active antenna. With newer versions of gr-osmosdr (>= 0.1.4-13), the bias-tee can be activated by passing the following parameters to the configuration:


For older gr-osmosdr versions (at GNSS-SDR compile time), the utility rtl_biast may be used to switch the bias-tee on before calling gnss-sdr. After reception, the bias-tee is switched off automatically by the program.

For the bladeRF 2.0 micro, the argument is slightly different:

SignalSource.osmosdr_args=bladerf,biastee=1	#or =[on,rx]

Implementation: RtlTcp_Signal_Source

In the case of using a Zarlink’s RTL2832 based DVB-T receiver, you can even use the rtl_tcp I/Q server in order to use the USB dongle remotely. rtl_tcp is an I/Q spectrum server for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers.

If you installed GNSS-SDR from a software package, this implementation is already available. But if you built GNSS-SDR from the source code, you will need the required software dependencies (the gr-osmosdr component of GNU Radio) and configure the building with the following flag:


For more information, check out the tutorial about GNSS-SDR options at building time.

In a terminal, type:

$ rtl_tcp -a -f 1575420000 -g 0 -s 2000000

and use the following configuration:

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.address= ; Put your IP here
SignalSource.port=1234         ; Put your port here

Implementation: Fmcomms2_Signal_Source

AD-FMComms2-EBZ The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ is an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) board for the AD9361, a highly integrated RF transceiver originally designed for use in 3G and 4G base station applications. Its programmability and wideband capability make it ideal for a broad range of applications, since the device combines a RF front end with a flexible mixed-signal baseband section and integrated frequency synthesizers, providing a configurable digital interface. The AD9361 receiver’s local oscillator can operate from \(70\) MHz to \(6.0\) GHz, and channel bandwidths from less than \(200\) kHz to \(56\) MHz are supported. The two independent direct conversion receivers have state-of-the-art noise figure and linearity. Each receive (RX) subsystem includes independent automatic gain control (AGC), dc offset correction, quadrature correction, and digital filtering, thereby eliminating the need for these functions in the digital baseband. Two high dynamic range analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) per channel digitize the received I and Q signals and pass them through decimation filters and 128-tap finite impulse response (FIR) filters to produce a 12-bit output signal at the appropriate sample rate.

The AD9361 RX signal path passes downconverted signals (I and Q) to the baseband receiver section. The baseband RX signal path is composed of two programmable analog low-pass filters, a 12-bit ADC, and four stages of digital decimating filters. Each of the four decimating filters can be bypassed. The figure below shows a block diagram for the AD9361 RX signal path after downconversion. Note that both the I and Q paths are schematically identical to each other.

AD9361 Rx Signal Path
Block diagram for the AD9361 RX signal path after downconversion, composed of two programmable analog low-pass filters, a 12-bit ADC, and four stages of digital decimating filters.

In order to make use of this block implementation, you need to build GNSS-SDR from the source code after installing the required software dependencies.

In Debian Buster or Ubuntu Cosmic, those dependencies can be installed as:

$ sudo apt-get install libiio-dev gr-iio

In older releases or other distributions, dependencies can be built from source as:

$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev bison flex
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio
$ cd libiio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio
$ cd libad9361-iio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/gr-iio
$ cd gr-iio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..

Warning: do not use gr-iio < 0.3 packaged in Debian releases older than Buster and Ubuntu releases older than Cosmic.

gr-iio became a native component of GNU Radio since version If that native component is found, the explicit installation of the gr-iio package is not required.

Once gr-iio is installed, build GNSS-SDR passing the flag -DENABLE_FMCOMMS2=ON at configure time:

$ cd gnss-sdr && mkdir build && cd build
$ git checkout next
$ git pull upstream next
$ make && sudo make install

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Fmcomms2_Signal_Source Mandatory
device_address Set to local: if using GNSS-SDR locally on the target (e.g., in a Zedboard). If using GNSS-SDR remotely on a PC, set the target IP address using ip:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX or via USB using the URI usb:XX.XX.XX. It defaults to Mandatory
freq Selects the RX local oscillator frequency, in Hz. It defaults to \(f_{\text{GPS L1}}=1575420000\) Hz. Optional
sampling_frequency Defines the sampling rate, in samples per second (Sps). It defaults to \(f_s = 2600000\) Sps. Optional
bandwidth Configures RX analog filters TIA LPF and BB LPF, in Hz. It defaults to \(2000000\) Hz. Optional
item_type [gr_complex]: Set the output data type. Only gr_complex is allowed in this version, so it is set by default. Optional
rx1_enable [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the RX1 chain. It defaults to true. Optional
rx2_enable [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the RX2 chain. It defaults to false. Optional
buffer_size Size of the internal buffer, in samples. This block will only input one buffer of samples at a time. It defaults to 0xA0000 (that is, \(655360\) samples). Optional
quadrature [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the Quadrature calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
rf_dc [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the RF DC calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
bb_dc [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the BB DC calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
gain_mode_rx1 [manual, slow_attack, hybrid, fast_attack]: Sets the gain control mode of the RX1 chain (Read more). It defaults to slow_attack. Optional
gain_mode_rx2 [manual, slow_attack, hybrid, fast_attack]: Sets the gain control mode of the RX2 chain (Read more). It defaults to slow_attack. Optional
gain_rx1 If gain_mode_rx1 is set to manual, it sets the gain of the RX1 chain, in dB, with a granularity of 1 dB and range \(0 <\)gain_rx1\(< 72\) dB. It defaults to \(64\) dB. Optional
gain_rx2 If gain_mode_rx2 is set to manual, it sets the gain of the RX2 chain, in dB, with a granularity of 1 dB and range \(0 <\)gain_rx2\(< 72\) dB. It defaults to \(64\) dB. Optional
rf_port_select [A_BALANCED, B_BALANCED, C_BALANCED, A_N, A_P, B_N, B_P, C_N, C_P]: Selects the RF port to be used (Read more and more). It defaults to A_BALANCED. Optional
filter_file Allows a FIR filter configuration to be loaded from a file (Read more). It defaults to “” (empty). Optional
filter_auto [true, false]: If set to true, it loads a default FIR filter and thereby enables lower sampling / baseband rates. It defaults to false. Optional
samples Number of samples to be processed. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: Fmcomms2_Signal_Source


SignalSource.device_address=  ; <- PUT YOUR DEVICE ADDRESS HERE

Implementation: Plutosdr_Signal_Source

ADALM-Pluto The ADALM-Pluto is a learning module that helps introduce electrical engineering students to the fundamentals of software-defined radio (SDR), radio frequency (RF), and wireless communications. Based on the AD9363, it offers one receive channel and one transmit channel which can be operated in full-duplex, capable of generating or measuring RF analog signals from \(325\) to \(3800\) MHz, with a \(20\) MHz bandwidth, at up to \(61.44\) Mega Samples per second (MSps) with a 12-bit ADC and DAC.

In order to make use of this block implementation, you need to build GNSS-SDR from the source code after installing the required software dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev bison flex
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio
$ cd libiio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libad9361-iio
$ cd libad9361-iio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..
$ git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/gr-iio
$ cd gr-iio
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../..

Warning: do not use gr-iio < 0.3 packaged in some Debian and Ubuntu distributions.

gr-iio became a native component of GNU Radio since version If that native component is found, the explicit installation of the gr-iio package is not required.

Once gr-iio is installed, build GNSS-SDR passing the flag -DENABLE_PLUTOSDR=ON at configure time:

$ cd gnss-sdr && mkdir build && cd build
$ git checkout next
$ git pull upstream next
$ make && sudo make install

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Plutosdr_Signal_Source Mandatory
device_address Set to local: if using GNSS-SDR locally on the target (e.g., in a Zedboard). If using GNSS-SDR remotely on a PC, set the target IP address using ip:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX or via USB using the URI usb:XX.XX.XX. It defaults to Mandatory
freq Selects the RX local oscillator frequency, in Hz. It defaults to \(f_{\text{GPS L1}}=1575420000\) Hz. Optional
sampling_frequency Defines the sampling rate, in samples per second (Sps). It defaults to \(f_s = 3000000\) Sps. Optional
bandwidth Configures RX analog filters TIA LPF and BB LPF, in Hz. It defaults to \(2000000\) Hz. Optional
item_type [gr_complex]: Set the output data type. Only gr_complex is allowed in this version, so it is set by default. Optional
buffer_size Size of the internal buffer, in samples. This block will only input one buffer of samples at a time. It defaults to 0xA0000 (that is, \(655360\) samples). Optional
quadrature [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the Quadrature calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
rf_dc [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the RF DC calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
bb_dc [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the BB DC calibration tracking option (Read more). It defaults to true. Optional
gain_mode [manual, slow_attack, hybrid, fast_attack]: Sets the gain control mode of the RX chain (Read more). It defaults to slow_attack. Optional
gain If gain_mode is set to manual, it sets the gain of the RX chain, in dB, with a granularity of 1 dB and range \(0 <\)gain\(< 72\) dB. It defaults to \(50\) dB. Optional
filter_file Allows a FIR filter configuration to be loaded from a file (Read more). It defaults to “” (empty). Optional
filter_auto [true, false]: If set to true, it loads a default filter and thereby enables lower sampling / baseband rates. It defaults to true. Optional
samples Number of samples to be processed. It defaults to \(0\), which means infinite samples. Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: Plutosdr_Signal_Source


SignalSource.device_address=   ; <- PUT YOUR DEVICE ADDRESS HERE

Implementation: Limesdr_Signal_Source


LimeSDR is a low cost, open source, apps-enabled software defined radio (SDR) platform that can be used to support just about any type of wireless communication standard. For more information, please check the LimeSDR Wiki.

GNSS-SDR can make use of this platform through a dedicated Signal Source implementation. In order to enable it, you need to build GNSS-SDR from the source code after installing the required software dependencies. On Debian-based systems, this can be done by:

$ sudo apt-get install gr-limesdr

Please check the official instructions for installing gr-limesdr on other systems.

Once gr-limesdr is installed, build GNSS-SDR passing the flag -DENABLE_LIMESDR=ON at configure time:

$ cd gnss-sdr && mkdir build && cd build
$ git checkout next
$ git pull upstream next
$ make && sudo make install

This implementation accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
implementation Limesdr_Signal_Source Mandatory
freq [100000-3800000000]: RF center frequency, in Hz. Mandatory
gain [0-73]: Combined RX gain settings, in dB. Mandatory
item_type [ibyte, ishort, gr_complex] sets the item to be streamed from the source to the rest of the signal processing blocks. GNSS-SDR works internally with gr_complex (std::complex<float>) samples. Thus, setting the item_type to gr_complex avoids the use of extra data type converters in the signal conditioner. Mandatory
sampling_frequency Sampling frequency, in Sps. It defaults to 2000000. Optional
limesdr_serial LimeSDR serial number to discriminate between two or more LimeSDR connected to the same computer. If not set, the detection is automatic. Optional
samples Number of samples to be read. If set to 0, the receiver will work until q+ENTER are pressed. It defaults to 0 . Optional
antenna [0, 1, 2, 3, 255] Set which antenna is used: None(0), LNAH(1), LNAL(2), LNAW(3), AUTO(255). It defaults to 3. Optional
channels [1, 2] Number of channels to activate: 1 or 2. It defaults to 1. Optional
analog_bw [0, 1500000-130000000]: Analog filter bandwidth for each channel, in Hz. Analog filter is off if bandwidth is set to 0. If enabled, its range is between 1.5 MHz and 130 MHz. Optional
digital_bw [0-sampling_frequency]: Digital filter bandwidth for each channel. Digital filter if off if bandwidth is set to 0. Bandwidth should not be higher than the sampling_frequency. Optional
limechannel_mode [0, 1, 2] Channel and mode selection: A(0), B(1) or (A+B) MIMO(2). It defaults to 0. Optional
ext_clock_MHz Frequency of the external oscillator, if connected. It defaults to 0 (no external oscillator). Optional
dump [true, false]: If set to true, it enables the dump of the signal source into a file. It defaults to false. Optional
dump_filename If dump is set to true, the name of the file in which data will be stored. It defaults to ./data/signal_source.dat Optional

Signal Source implementation: Limesdr_Signal_Source



Multiple radio frequency chains

A single Signal Source can be equipped with more than one radio-frequency chain. Examples of such configuration could be a USRP with two subdevices, or dual or triple band RF front ends, such as NSL Stereo or Flexiband.

This case implies not only the configuration of the Signal Source, but also there is a need to set up different Signal Conditioners for each band, and configure the Channel implementations for the different signals present on each band.

Simplified block diagram of a dual-band receiver of GPS L1 C/A and GPS L2C (M) signals.

The number of radio-frequency chains is denoted by the parameter RF_channels, which defaults to one if it is not present in the configuration file.



SignalSource.subdevice=A:0 B:0




; # Channel connection

; Channel signal


; or Acquisition_1C0, ..., Acquisition_1C7
; or Acquisition_2S8, ..., Acquisition_2S15

; or Tracking_1C0, ..., Tracking_1C7
; or Tracking_2S8, ..., Tracking_2S15

; or TelemetryDecoder_1C0, ..., TelemetryDecoder_1C7
; or TelemetryDecoder_2S8, ..., TelemetryDecoder_2S15


Example: Configuring the USRP X300 with two front-ends for receiving signals in L1 and L2 bands

;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.device_address=  ; Put your USRP IP address here
SignalSource.subdevice=A:0 B:0

;######### RF Channels specific settings ######


Multiple sources

A receiver can have more than one Signal Source delivering signal streams at the same time.

Examples of such configuration could be:

  • Two files, one for each band (such as in the case of NSL’s Stereo front-end);

  • Different antennas, working at the same band but with different RF front-ends;

  • Different front-ends sharing the same antenna.

Multiple sources
Simplified block diagram of a multi-source receiver of GPS L1 C/A and GPS L2C (M) signals.

NOTE: Parameter name Receiver.sources_count has been replaced by GNSS-SDR.num_sources in the next branch of the upstream repository. The old parameter name is still read to ensure backward compatibility with configuration files using that nomenclature.

; GNSS-SDR.num_sources=2   ; starting from v0.0.15


; GNSS-SDR.num_sources=2   ; starting from v0.0.15




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