The Monitor block provides an interface for monitoring the internal status of the receiver in real-time by streaming the receiver’s internal data to local or remote clients over UDP.

This block is a feature of GNSS-SDR which was developed having usability in mind. It gives an internal (or white-box) perspective of the receiver, allowing a deeper insight into its performance, and provides a communication interface through which end-users can build their monitoring clients upon.

This is made possible by exposing Gnss_Synchro objects from inside the receiver to the user. These objects are special containers that hold a set of variables that capture the internal state of the receiver as they travel along the receiver chain.

Each channel of the receiver instantiates a Gnss_Synchro object. Once it reaches the Monitor block, the object is serialized into a binary encoded message and then streamed through a network socket to one or more destination endpoints (clients) designated by the user. Each client can then deserialize the encoded message from the data stream, recover the Gnss_Synchro object and access its member variables for further inspection and monitoring.

This communication mechanism is built with Boost.Asio for the networking logic and Protocol Buffers for the serialization logic. Originally Boost.Serialization was used but in release v0.0.11 it was deprecated in favor of Protocol Buffers. If you still wish to use the old serialization format based on Boost, set the Monitor.enable_protobuf parameter to false in your configuration file.

Exposed Internal Parameters

The exposed internal parameters are the data members of the Gnss_Synchro class. There are 25 in total, and can be classified based on the subsystem they inform about:

Satellite and signal information

The following set of variables record general information about the Channel.

Name Type Description
System char GNSS constellation: "G" for GPS, "R" for Glonass, "S" for SBAS, "E" for Galileo, and "C" for Beidou.
Signal char[3] GNSS signal: "1C" for GPS L1 C/A, "1B" for Galileo E1b/c, "1G" for Glonass L1 C/A, "2S" for GPS L2 L2C(M), "2G" for Glonass L2 C/A, "L5" for GPS L5, and "5X" for Galileo E5a.
PRN uint32_t Satellite ID processed in each channel.
Channel_ID int32_t Absolute channel number.


The following set of variables record information about the Acquisition block.

Name Type Description
Acq_delay_samples double Coarse code delay estimation, in [samples].
Acq_doppler_hz double Coarse Doppler estimation in each channel, in [Hz].
Acq_samplestamp_samples uint64_t [samples] at signal SampleStamp.
Acq_doppler_step uint32_t Frequency bin of the search grid, in [Hz].
Flag_valid_acquisition bool Acquisition status in each channel.


The following set of variables record information about the Tracking block.

Name Type Description
fs int64_t Sampling frequency, in [Hz].
Prompt_I double In-phase (real) component of the prompt correlator output.
Prompt_Q double Quadrature (imaginary) component of the prompt correlator output.
CN0_dB_hz double Carrier-to-Noise density ratio, in [dB-Hz].
Carrier_Doppler_hz double Doppler estimation in each channel, in [Hz].
Carrier_phase_rads double Carrier phase estimation in each channel, in [rad].
Code_phase_samples double Code phase in [samples].
Tracking_sample_counter uint64_t Sample counter as an index (1,2,3,..etc) indicating number of samples processed.
Flag_valid_symbol_output bool Indicates the validity of the tracking for each channel.
correlation_length_ms int32_t Time duration of correlation-integration, in [ms].

Telemetry Decoder

The following set of variables record information about the Telemetry Decoder block.

Name Type Description
Flag_valid_word bool Indicates the validity of the decoded word for pseudorange computation.
TOW_at_current_symbol_ms uint32_t Time of week of the current symbol, in [ms].
Flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked bool Indicates if the PLL got locked at 180 degrees, so the symbol sign is reversed.


The following set of variables record information about the Observables block.

Name Type Description
Pseudorange_m double Pseudorange computation in each channel, in [m].
RX_time double Receiving time in each channel after the start of the week, in [s].
Flag_valid_pseudorange bool Pseudorange computation status in each channel.
interp_TOW_ms double Interpolated time of week, in [ms].


The configuration of the Monitor block accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description Required
Monitor.enable_monitor [true, false]: If set to true, the Monitor block is activated. Mandatory
Monitor.decimation_factor Decimation integer factor \(N\). Limits the streaming output rate to only every \(N^{th}\) sample. To stream all the samples, set this to 1. Zero or negative values are treated as 1. The output rate is by default 20 ms, and it can be changed with the GNSS-SDR.observable_interval_ms parameter. Mandatory
Monitor.client_addresses Destination IP address(es). To specify multiple clients, use an underscore delimiter character ( _ ) between addresses. As many addresses can be added as deemed necessary. Duplicate addresses are ignored. Mandatory
Monitor.udp_port Destination port number. Must be within the range from 0 to 65535. Ports outside this range are treated as 0. The port number is the same for all the clients. Mandatory
Monitor.enable_protobuf [true, false]: If set to true, the serialization is done using Protocol Buffers, with the format defined at gnss_synchro.proto. If set to false, it uses Boost Serialization. That is a deprecated behavior that can be abandoned in the future. It defaults to true (Protocol Buffers is used). Optional

Example 1:

The following configuration streams the receiver internal parameters to the localhost address on port 1234 UDP without decimation (observables every 20 ms):

;######### MONITOR CONFIG ############

Example 2:

The following configuration streams the receiver internal parameters to the addresses and on port 1234 UDP with a decimation integer factor of \(N=50\) (observables every 1 s):

;######### MONITOR CONFIG ############

Monitor listeners

Once your receiver is streaming data, you need a client listening on the other side.

Monitor client examples:

  • For an example of a simple, terminal-based client, please check our tutorial about monitoring the internal status of the software receiver.
  • For a more sophisticated approach, including a graphical interface and the ability to read both from the observables Monitor and from the custom PVT streaming, please check the Qt5-based gnss-sdr-monitor application.

Of course, you are free to develop other clients covering your specific requirements. All you need is the gnss_synchro.proto file, which allows you to write clients in Java, Python, C++, Objective-C, C#, Dart, Go, or Ruby.


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