30 minute read

Testability is an essential feature in any GNSS receiver. The companion tutorial Testing the software receiver, Part I: Methodology describes the general approach taken in this project, and this page documents the available set of Unit and System tests. Some of them are highly configurable, so they can be seen as Performance tests.

In order to execute the tests, you must build GNSS-SDR from source. If the Google C++ Testing Framework source code is not already present in your system (and pointing the GTEST_DIR environment variable to the root of the source code tree or, on Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions, doing sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev), it will be automatically downloaded from its Git repository, compiled and linked to GNSS-SDR at building time. The CMake script automates all those steps for you.

Tip: some tests can optionally output plots if Gnuplot, a portable command-line driven graphing utility, is installed in your system. If you want to use this feature, install Gnuplot (by doing sudo apt-get install gnuplot in Debian-based Linux distributions, or sudo port install gnuplot using Macports in macOS) before building GNSS-SDR, and then activate the corresponding flag in the tests in which it is allowed (those flags start with --plot_...). This will display figures in new windows and will save them as PostScript and PDF files in the folder where the test was called. In order to avoid showing plots on the screen, but still get the figures in files, use --noshow_plot.

GNSS-SDR tests are divided into two categories:

  • Unit Tests: checking of certain functions and areas - or units - of the source code.
  • System Tests: checking conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements.

By default, only a (large) subset of unit tests is compiled (see details below). So, when doing:

$ cd gnss-sdr
$ git checkout next
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make check  # THIS STEP IS OPTIONAL. It builds and runs a subset of tests.

this process will end up generating some executables at the gnss-sdr/install folder. Among them, a test program called run_tests. This executable gathers all the available GNSS-SDR’s unit tests. It can be run by doing:

$ cd ../install
$ ./run_tests

The output of this program should be similar to:

Running GNSS-SDR Tests...
[==========] Running 217 tests from 57 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.


[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 217 tests from 57 test suites ran. (64845 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 217 tests.

Other additional unit and system tests require external tools, libraries and data files not included in the GNSS-SDR’s source tree. As in the case of the Google C++ Testing Framework source code, they can be automatically downloaded and built by passing the following option flags to CMake:

Variable passed to CMake Possible values Default Effect
-DENABLE_UNIT_TESTING ON / OFF ON If set to OFF, it disables the building of unit tests. This can be useful in memory-limited systems.
-DENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA ON / OFF OFF If set to ON, it downloads external raw sample files and other software tools (among them, GNSSTk, if it is not already found in your system), and builds some extra unit tests that are added to the run_tests executable.
-DENABLE_SYSTEM_TESTING ON / OFF OFF If set to ON, it builds system tests. The binary ttff, a tool for Time-To-First-Fix measurement, is generated at the gnss-sdr/install folder, unless otherwise indicated by the ENABLE_INSTALL_TESTS option.
-DENABLE_SYSTEM_TESTING_EXTRA ON / OFF OFF If set to ON, it downloads external software tools (among them, GNSSTk, if it is not already found in your system) and builds some extra system tests. The generated binaries are copied to the gnss-sdr/install folder, unless otherwise indicated by the ENABLE_INSTALL_TESTS option.
-DENABLE_OWN_GPSTK ON / OFF OFF If set to ON, it forces to download, build and link GPSTk for system tests, even if it is already installed. This can be useful if you have an old version of GPSTk (older than 2.10) already installed in your system and you do not want to remove it, but you still want the QA code to use a more recent version. NOTE: This option is DEPRECATED in the next branch, in favour of -DENABLE_OWN_GNSSTK.
-DENABLE_OWN_GNSSTK ON / OFF OFF If set to ON, it forces to download, build and link GNSSTk for system tests, even if it is already installed. This can be useful if you have an old version of GPSTk (older than 2.10) already installed in your system and you do not want to remove it, but you still want the QA code to use a recent version. NOTE: This option is only present in the next branch of the upstream repository, and it will be available in the next stable release.
-DENABLE_INSTALL_TESTS ON / OFF OFF By default, generated test binaries are not installed system-wide but placed in the local folder gnss-sdr/install. If this option is set to ON, test binaries and auxiliary files will not be copied to gnss-sdr/install but installed in the system path when doing make install.

Those extra tests are described below.

Tests programs generated with the Google C++ Testing Framework accepts a number of interesting command-line flags. Hereafter we describe some of the most relevant ones.

Using the testing framework

Listing Tests names

Sometimes it is necessary to list the available tests in a program before running them so that a filter may be applied if needed. Including the flag --gtest_list_tests overrides all other flags and lists tests in the following format:


So, running:

$ ./run_tests --gtest_list_tests

will get the currently available unit Test Suites and unit Test Cases.

Running a Subset of the Tests

By default, a Google Test program runs all tests the user has defined. Sometimes, you want to run only a subset of the tests (e.g. for debugging or quickly verifying a change). If you set the GTEST_FILTER environment variable or the --gtest_filter flag to a filter string, Google Test will only run the tests whose full names (in the form of TestSuiteName.TestCaseName) match the filter.

The format of a filter is a ‘:‘-separated list of wildcard patterns (called the positive patterns) optionally followed by a ‘-’ and another ‘:‘-separated pattern list (called the negative patterns). A test matches the filter if and only if it matches any of the positive patterns but does not match any of the negative patterns.

A pattern may contain ‘*’ (matches any string) or ‘?’ (matches any single character). For convenience, the filter ‘*-NegativePatterns’ can be also written as ‘-NegativePatterns’.

For example:

  • $ ./run_tests Has no flag, and thus runs all its tests.
  • $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=* Also runs everything, due to the single match-everything * value.
  • $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.* Runs everything in test suite GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.
  • $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=*Gps*:*Acquisition* Runs any test whose full name contains either “Gps” or “Acquisition”.
  • $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=-*Acquisition* Runs all non-Acquisition tests.
  • $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.*-GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.ValidationOfResults Runs everything in test suite GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest except GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.ValidationOfResults.

Repeating the Tests

The --gtest_repeat flag allows you to repeat all (or selected) test methods in a program many times.

For example:

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest.* --gtest_repeat=10

executes all the tests in the Test Suite GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest ten times.

Generating an XML Report

Google Test can emit a detailed XML report to a file in addition to its normal textual output. To generate the XML report, set the GTEST_OUTPUT environment variable or the --gtest_output flag to the string “xml:_path_to_output_file_”, which will create the file at the given location. You can also just use the string “xml”, in which case the output can be found in the test_detail.xml file in the current directory.

If you specify a directory (for example, “xml:output/directory/”), Google Test will create the XML file in that directory, named after the test executable (e.g. run_tests.xml for test program run_tests). If the file already exists (perhaps left over from a previous run), Google Test will pick a different name (e.g. run_tests_1.xml) to avoid overwriting it.

The format of the report is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites name="AllTests" ...>
  <testsuite name="test_suite_name" ...>
    <testcase name="test_case_name" ...>
      <failure message="..."/>
      <failure message="..."/>
      <failure message="..."/>
  • The root <testsuites> element corresponds to the entire test program.
  • <testsuite> elements correspond to Google Test test suites.
  • <testcase> elements correspond to Google Test test cases.

For example:

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=CpuMulticorrelatorTest.* --gtest_output=xml

generates a report called test_detail.xml in the current directory;

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=CpuMulticorrelatorTest.* --gtest_output=xml:./test_results/

generates a report called run_tests.xml in a newly created ./test_results directory; and

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=CpuMulticorrelatorTest.* --gtest_output=xml:./test_results/my_tests.xml

generates a report called my_tests.xml in the ./test_results directory.

All these examples produce the following report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" timestamp="2017-06-25T09:43:52" time="2.365" name="AllTests">
  <testsuite name="CpuMulticorrelatorTest" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="2.365">
    <testcase name="MeasureExecutionTime" status="run" time="2.365" classname="CpuMulticorrelatorTest" />


Description of available tests

Unit Tests

The generation of some unit test suites are enabled by default, and gathered in the test program run_tests.

Unit Test Suites for arithmetics:

  • CodeGenerationTest: set of test cases for gnss_signal_replica.h measuring the execution time of various implementations of PRN code generation.
  • ComplexCarrierTest: set of test cases for gnss_signal_replica.h measuring the execution time of various implementations of complex carrier generation. The default vector length is \(100000\), but this test suite accepts the flag --size_carrier_test. You can try a different length by doing:
     $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=ComplexCarrier* --size_carrier_test=1000000
  • ConjugateTest: set of test cases measuring the execution time of various implementations of vector conjugation. The default vector length is \(100000\), but this test suite accepts the flag --size_conjugate_test. You can try a different length by doing:
     $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=Conjugate* --size_conjugate_test=1000000
  • FFTLengthTest: set of test cases measuring the execution time for several FFT lengths. The default number of averaged iterations is \(1000\), but this test suite accepts the flag --fft_iterations_test. If you have Gnuplot installed in your system, you can get some plots by adding the flag --plot_fft_length_test. You can try a different number of iterations and get some plots by doing:
     $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=FFT* --fft_iterations_test=10000 --plot_fft_length_test
  • MagnitudeSquaredTest: set of test cases measuring the execution time of various implementations of vector square magnitude computation. The default vector length is \(100000\), but this test suite accepts the flag --size_magnitude_test. You can try a different length by doing:
     $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=Magnitude* --size_magnitude_test=1000000
  • MultiplyTest: set of test cases measuring the execution time of various implementations of vector (element-by-element) multiplication. The default vector length is \(10000\), but this test suite accepts the flag --size_multiply_test. You can try a different length by doing:
     $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=Multiply* --size_multiply_test=100000

Unit Test Suites for the control plane:

Unit Test Suites for signal processing blocks:

Extra Unit Tests

This option builds some extra unit test cases that require external tools not included in the GNSS-SDR source tree. It can be activated by:

$ make

This option will download, build and link (at building time) the following tools and files:

  • A basic software-defined GNSS signal generator based on gps-sdr-sim and available at https://bitbucket.org/jarribas/gnss-simulator, which includes some sample RINEX and trajectory (.csv) files used by optional tests.

  • The GNSSTk project, an open-source library and suite of applications for the satellite navigation community. GNSSTk is sponsored by the Space and Geophysics Laboratory, within the Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT). GNSSTk is the by-product of GPS research conducted at ARL:UT since before the first satellite launched in 1978; it is the combined effort of many software engineers and scientists. In 2003, the research staff at ARL:UT decided to open-source much of their basic GNSS processing software as the GNSSTk. The source code is currently available from https://github.com/SGL-UT/gnsstk.

  • It downloads gps_l2c_m_prn7_5msps.dat and Glonass_L1_CA_SIM_Fs_62Msps_4ms.dat, files containing raw GNSS signal samples that are used by some tests as input data.

The following Unit Test Suites are added to the executable run_tests:

Extra Unit Tests for Acquisition blocks

  • GpsL2MPcpsAcquisitionTest: set of test cases for gps_l2_m_pcps_acquisition.h that make use of the gps_l2c_m_prn7_5msps.dat raw sample file downloaded with the ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA=ON option.

  • GlonassL1CaPcpsAcquisitionTest: set of test cases for glonass_l1_ca_pcps_acquisition.h that make use of the Glonass_L1_CA_SIM_Fs_62Msps_4ms.dat raw sample file downloaded with the ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA=ON option.


This test computes the Receiver Operation Characteristic (ROC), that is, Probability of detection vs Probability of false alarm, generated by an Acquisition block. This test accepts the following flags:

Flag Default value Description
--acq_test_implementation GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition Acquisition block implementation under test. Alternatives: GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition, GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition_Fine_Doppler, Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition, GLONASS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition, GLONASS_L2_CA_PCPS_Acquisition, GPS_L2_M_PCPS_Acquisition, Galileo_E5a_Pcps_Acquisition, GPS_L5i_PCPS_Acquisition.
--fs_gen_sps 2600000 Sampling rate, in Samples/s.
--config_file_ptest empty File containing alternative configuration parameters for the acquisition performance test.
--acq_test_input_file empty File containing raw signal data, must be in int8_t format. If set, the signal generator will not be used and no CN0 sweep will be done.
--acq_test_doppler_max 5000 Maximum Doppler, in Hz
--acq_test_doppler_step 125 Doppler step, in Hz.
--acq_test_coherent_time_ms 1 Acquisition coherent time, in ms.
--acq_test_max_dwells 1 Number of non-coherent integrations.
--acq_test_make_two_steps false Perform second step in a thinner grid.
--acq_test_second_nbins 4 If --acq_test_make_two_steps is set to true, this parameter sets the number of bins done in the acquisition refinement stage.
--acq_test_second_doppler_step 10 If --acq_test_make_two_steps is set to true, this parameter sets the Doppler step applied in the acquisition refinement stage, in Hz.
--acq_test_bit_transition_flag false Bit transition flag.
--acq_test_signal_duration_s 2 Generated signal duration, in s.
--acq_test_num_meas 0 Number of measurements per run. 0 means the complete file.
--acq_test_cn0_init 30.0 Initial CN0, in dBHz.
--acq_test_cn0_final 45.0 Final CN0, in dBHz.
--acq_test_cn0_step 3.0 CN0 step, in dB.
--acq_test_threshold_init 3.0 Initial acquisition threshold.
--acq_test_threshold_final 4.0 Final acquisition threshold.
--acq_test_threshold_step 0.5 Acquisition threshold step.
--acq_test_pfa_init 1e-5 Set initial threshold via probability of false alarm. To disable Pfa setting and set threshold values, set this to -1.0.
--acq_test_skiphead 0 Number of samples to skip in the input file.
--acq_test_PRN 1 PRN number of a present satellite.
--acq_test_fake_PRN 33 PRN number of a non-present satellite.
--acq_test_iterations 1 Number of iterations (same signal, different noise realization).
--plot_acq_test false Plots results with gnuplot, if available.
--show_plots true Shows plots on screen. Set it to false for non-interactive testing.

Extra Unit Tests for Tracking blocks

  • GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTest: set of test cases for gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking.h that make use of the software-defined signal generator. This test plots the correlators’ outputs with the flag --plot_gps_l1_tracking_test. For long tests, data can be decimated with the flag --plot_decimate. For not showing the plots in the screen, but still get the figures in PDF and PS file formats, use --noshow_plots. Example:
    $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTest* --plot_gps_l1_tracking_test --plot_decimate=10
  • GpsL1CAKfTrackingTest: set of test cases for gps_l1_ca_kf_tracking.h that make use of the software-defined signal generator. This test plots the correlators’ outputs with the flag --plot_gps_l1_kf_tracking_test. For long tests, data can be decimated with the flag --plot_decimate. For not showing the plots in the screen, but still get the figures in PDF and PS file formats, use --noshow_plots. Example:
    $ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=GpsL1CAKfTrackingTest* --plot_gps_l1_kf_tracking_test --plot_decimate=10
  • GpsL2MDllPllTrackingTest: set of test cases for gps_l2_m_dll_pll_tracking.h that make use of the gps_l2c_m_prn7_5msps.dat raw sample file downloaded with the ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA=ON option.


Tracking pull-in test for several Tracking block implementations. It can make use of the software-defined signal generator to produce GPS L1 CA signals at different CN0 levels and to obtain the true synchronization parameters, or to use an external file with any of the supported GNSS signals. The test performs a two-dimensional sweep of Doppler errors and code delay errors for each CN0 to emulate an imperfect signal acquisition in the pull-in tracking step. The test output is a 2D grid plot showing those combinations of Doppler and Code delay errors that produced a valid tracking (green dots) and those that produced a loss of lock (black dots). The criterium to decide a valid tracking is a correct CRC in the demodulation of the navigation message. Example:

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=TrackingPullInTest* --plot_detail_level=0 --duration=4 --CN0_dBHz_start=45 CN0_dBHz_stop=35

This test accepts the following flags:

Flag Default value Description
--trk_test_implementation GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking Tracking block implementation under test.
--fs_gen_sps 2600000 Sampling rate, in Samples/s.
--enable_external_signal_file false Use an external signal file capture instead of the software-defined signal generator. NOTICE: when an external file is selected, the test will try to perform a high sensitivity acquisition with an enhanced Doppler estimation to estimate the true signal synchronization parameters for all the satellites present in the signal.
--signal_file signal_out.bin Path of the external signal capture file, must be in int8_t format. If set, the signal generator will not be used and no CN0 sweep will be done.
--disable_generator false Disable the signal generator (the pre-generated signal file set must be available for the test, i.e. by running the test without disabling the generator previously).
--duration 100 Duration of the experiment [in seconds, max = 300]. For this test, the recommended signal duration is 4 seconds.
--test_satellite_PRN 1 PRN of the satellite under test (must be visible during the observation time).
--acq_Doppler_error_hz_start 1000 Acquisition Doppler error start sweep value [Hz].
--acq_Doppler_error_hz_stop -1000 Acquisition Doppler error stop sweep value [Hz].
--acq_Doppler_error_hz_step -50 Acquisition Doppler error sweep step value [Hz].
--acq_Delay_error_chips_start 2.0 Acquisition Code Delay error start sweep value [chips].
--acq_Delay_error_chips_stop -2.0 Acquisition Code Delay error stop sweep value [chips].
--acq_Delay_error_chips_step -0.1 Acquisition Code Delay error sweep step value [chips].
--PLL_bw_hz_start 40.0 PLL Wide configuration value [Hz].
--DLL_bw_hz_start 1.5 DLL Wide configuration value [Hz].
--extend_correlation_symbols 1 Set the tracking coherent correlation to N symbols (up to 20 for GPS L1 C/A).
--PLL_narrow_bw_hz 5.0 PLL Narrow configuration value [Hz].
--DLL_narrow_bw_hz 0.75 DLL Narrow configuration value [Hz].
--CN0_dBHz_start (noise disabled) Enable noise generator and set the CN0 start sweep value [dB-Hz].
--CN0_dBHz_stop (noise disabled) Enable noise generator and set the CN0 stop sweep value [dB-Hz].
--CN0_dB_step 3.0 Noise generator CN0 sweep step value [dB].
--acq_to_trk_delay_s 0.0 Acquisition to Tracking delay value [s]
--plot_detail_level 0 Specify the desired plot detail (0,1,2): 0 - Minimum plots (default) 2 - Plot all tracking parameters.
--show_plots true Shows plots on screen. Set it to false for non-interactive testing.

Extra Unit Tests for Telemetry Decoder blocks

Extra Unit Tests for Observables blocks


Unit test for hybrid_observables.h that makes use of the software-defined signal generator or an external file. This test accepts the following flags:

Flag Default value Description
--fs_gen_sps 2600000 Sampling rate, in Samples/s.
--disable_generator false Disable the signal generator (the pre-generated signal file set must be available for the test, i.e. by running the test without disabling the generator previously).
--duration 100 Duration of the experiment [in seconds, max = 300].
--enable_external_signal_file false Use an external signal file capture instead of the software-defined signal generator.
--signal_file signal_out.bin Path of the external signal capture file, must be in int8_t format. If set, the signal generator will not be used.
--static_position 30.286502,120.032669,100 Static receiver position [lat,log,height].
--dynamic_position empty Observer positions file, in .csv or .nmea format.
--rinex_nav_file brdc3540.14n Input RINEX navigation file.
--filename_rinex_obs sim.16o Filename of output RINEX navigation file.
--filename_raw_data signal_out.bin Filename of output raw data file.
--test_satellite_PRN_list 1,2,3,6,9,10,12,17,20,23,28 List of PRN of the satellites under test (must be visible during the observation time).
--external_signal_acquisition_dwells 5 Maximum dwells count for satellite acquisition when an external file is used.
--external_signal_acquisition_doppler_max_hz 5000.0 Doppler max for satellite acquisition when an external file is used, in Hz.
--external_signal_acquisition_doppler_step_hz 125 Doppler step for satellite acquisition when an external file is used, in Hz.
--external_signal_acquisition_threshold 2.5 Threshold for satellite acquisition when an external file is used.
--trk_test_implementation GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking Tracking block implementation under test.
--PLL_bw_hz_start 40.0 PLL Wide configuration value [Hz].
--DLL_bw_hz_start 1.5 DLL Wide configuration value [Hz].
--extend_correlation_symbols 1 Set the tracking coherent correlation to N symbols (up to 20 for GPS L1 C/A).
--PLL_narrow_bw_hz 5.0 PLL Narrow configuration value [Hz].
--DLL_narrow_bw_hz 0.75 DLL Narrow configuration value [Hz].
--skip_samples 0 Skip an initial transitory in the processed signal file capture [samples].
--skip_obs_transitory_s 30.0 Skip the initial observable outputs to avoid transitory results [s].
--compute_single_diffs false Compute also the single difference errors for Accumulated Carrier Phase and Carrier Doppler (requires LO synchronization between receivers).
--compare_with_5X false Compare the E5a Doppler and Carrier Phases with the E5 full bw in RINEX (expect discrepancy due to the center frequencies differences).
--show_plots true Shows plots on screen. Set it to false for non-interactive testing.

System Tests

This option builds some extra system test programs that require external tools not included in the GNSS-SDR source tree. It can be activated by:

$ make

This option generates the following system test program:


This test program computes the Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF), as defined here. The TTFF indicator provides a measurement of the time required for a static receiver to provide a valid position fix after the receiver is started. This program accepts the following command-line flags:

Flag Default value Description
--fs_in 4000000 Sampling rate, in Samples/s.
--max_measurement_duration 90 Maximum time waiting for a position fix, in seconds.
--num_measurements 2 Number of measurements (M).
--device_address USRP device IP address.
--subdevice A:0 USRP subdevice.
--config_file_ttff empty File containing the configuration parameters for the TTFF test.

For TTFF measurements, it makes sense to use real-life GNSS signals. Just prepare a configuration file according to your hardware setup and pass it to the receiver with the --config_file_ttff file, in the same way that you invoke gnss-sdr with --config_file.

Each TTFF sample is computed as the time interval starting with the invocation of the receiver’s executable and ending with the first valid navigation data point derived from live or simulated satellite signals. The start times of the test samples are not synchronized to any UTC time boundary and they should be randomly spread within the 24 hour UTC day and within the GNSS data collection interval. The program starts the receiver, processes the signal until the first fix, and then annotates the elapsed time, shuts down the receiver, waits for a random number of seconds (from 5 to 30 s), and starts the receiver again. This is done a total of M times, and this number can be controlled by the --num_measurements flag.

So an example of running this test could be:

$ ./ttff --config_file_ttff=my_GPS_rx.conf --num_measurements=50

The results of the experiment are reported as follows:

Reported parameter Description
Mean TTFF Average of the \(L\) obtained valid measurements, computed as \(\frac{1}{L}\sum_{j=1}^L TTFF_j\). Units: seconds.
Max TTFF Maximum of the obtained valid measurements. Units: seconds
Min TTFF Minimum of the obtained valid measurements. Units: seconds
Sample Dev / Size The standard deviation of the sample set is computed as \(\sigma_{TTFF} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{i=1}^L \left( TTFF_i - \frac{1}{L}\sum_{j=1}^L TTFF_j \right)^2 }\), in seconds. / Number of valid measurements (L) over the total number of measurements (M), expressed as (L of M).
Init. status [cold, warm, hot]: Initial receiver status, as defined here.
Nav. mode [2D, 3D]: 3D Navigation mode in which at least four satellite signals are received and are used to compute positioning data containing as a minimum: time-tagged latitude, longitude, and altitude referenced to a given coordinate system. / 2D Navigation mode in which no fewer than three satellite signals and fixed altitude are received and used to compute positioning data containing as a minimum: time-tagged latitude, longitude, and fixed altitude referenced to a given system.
DGNSS [Y, N]: Y if an external system is providing ephemeris data, N if the receiver is not receiving external information.
Signal Targeted GNSS signal(s) during the test.
Source [Live, Sim, File]: Live for GNSS signals from space, Sim for or simulated GNSS signals generated at RF, File for a pre-defined set of signal inputs, stored in files.
Processing platform Brand and model of the processing platform performing the test.
Operating system Brand and release of the operating system in which the software receiver undergoing the test was executed.
Source code unique ID Software release version, D.O.I., Git hash, or any other unique identifier.

Extra System Tests

This option builds some extra system test programs that require external tools not included in the GNSS-SDR source tree. It can be activated by:

$ make

As in the case of the -DENABLE_UNIT_TESTING_EXTRA=ON, this option will also download, build and link the software-defined GNSS signal generator and the GNSSTk C++ library.

This option generates the following system test program:


This test program computes metrics of static accuracy and precision. It can use either a software-defined signal generator (GPS L1 only) or accept any other receiver configuration obtaining PVT fixes. It accepts the following command-line flags:

Flag Default value Description
--rinex_nav_file brdc3540.14n Input RINEX navigation file
--filename_rinex_obs sim.16o Filename of output RINEX navigation file.
--filename_raw_data signal_out.bin Filename of raw signal samples file (internally generated by software).
--static_position 30.286502,120.032669,100 Static receiver position [lat,log,height]
--disable_generator false If set to true, it disables the signal generator (so an external raw signal file must be available for the test).
--duration 100 Duration of the experiment [in seconds, max = \(300\)].
--num_channels 11 Number of channels in the default configuration.
--config_file_ptest empty File containing the configuration parameters for the position test.
--static_scenario true Compute figures of merit for static user position (DRMS, CEP, etc.).
--use_ref_motion_file false Enable or disable the use of a reference file containing the true receiver position, velocity, and acceleration.
--ref_motion_file_type 1 Type of reference motion file. 1: Spirent CSV motion file
--ref_motion_filename motion.csv Path and filename for the reference motion file.
--static_2D_error_m 2.0 Static scenario 2D (East, North) positioning error bias threshold [meters].
--static_3D_error_m 5.0 Static scenario 3D (East, North, Up) positioning error bias threshold [meters].
--accuracy_CEP 2.0 Static scenario 2D (East, North) accuracy Circular Error Position (CEP) threshold [meters].
--precision_SEP 10.0 Static scenario 3D (East, North, Up) precision Spherical Error Position (SEP) threshold [meters].
--dynamic_3D_position_RMSE 10.0 Dynamic scenario 3D (ECEF) accuracy RMSE threshold [meters]
--dynamic_3D_velocity_RMSE 5.0 Dynamic scenario 3D (ECEF) velocity accuracy RMSE threshold [meters/second]
--pvt_solver_dump_filename PVT.dat Path and filename for the PVT solver binary dump file
--plot_position_test false If set to true, and Gnuplot is installed in your system, it generates some plots of the obtained results. It will display them in windows and will save them as .ps and .pdf files.
--show_plots true Show plots on screen. Set it to false for non-interactive testing.

So an example of running this test could be:

$ ./position_test

By default, the program triggers a software-defined GPS L1 C/A signal generator, which takes the default RINEX navigation file (brdc3540.14n, already included in the files automatically downloaded by CMake’s -DENABLE_SYSTEM_TESTING_EXTRA=ON option) and the default reference location (longitude \(30.286502^o\), latitude \(120.032669^o\), height \(100\) m), and generates a RINEX observation file and a raw signal sample file, with a duration of \(100\) s. Then, it triggers the software receiver and processes such raw data file. At the end of the processing, the program reports several metrics for accuracy and precision. Since the generation of the raw samples file only needs to be executed once, the next time you execute this program, the generation can be skipped by:

$ ./position_test --disable_generator

If you have Gnuplot installed in your system, you can get some plots by adding the flag --plot_position_test:

$ ./position_test --plot_position_test

You can use your own configuration file:

$ ./position_test --config_file_ptest=my_GPS_rx.conf --static_position="0.000000,000000,0"

changing “0.000000,000000,0” by your reference longitude, latitude, and height (expressed in WGS-84 coordinates). In case of processing live data, please remember to terminate the receiver execution with key q and then [Enter].

When the software receiver terminates, the program reports accuracy and precision metrics for 2D and 3D positioning, expressed in a local ENU (East-North-Up) reference frame and defined as:

Measure Formula Confidence region probability Definition
2DRMS \(2\sqrt{\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2}\) 95 % Twice the DRMS of the horizontal position errors, defining the radius of a circle centered at the true position, containing the horizontal position estimate with a probability of 95 %.
DRMS \(\sqrt{\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2}\) 65 % The square root of the average of the squared horizontal position errors, defining the radius of a circle centered at the true position, containing the horizontal position estimate with a probability of 65 %.
CEP \(0.62\sigma_N+0.56\sigma_E\), accurate if \(\frac{\sigma_N}{\sigma_E}>0.3\) 50 % The radius of a circle centered at the true position, containing the horizontal position estimate with a probability of 50 %.
99 % Spherical Accuracy Standard \(1.122 \left(\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2+\sigma_U^2\right)\) 99 % The radius of a sphere centered at the true position, containing the position estimate in 3D with a probability of 99 %
90 % Spherical Accuracy Standard \(0.833 \left(\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2+\sigma_U^2\right)\) 90 % The radius of a sphere centered at the true position, containing the position estimate in 3D with a probability of 90 %
MRSE \(\sqrt{\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2+\sigma_U^2}\) 61 % The radius of a sphere centered at the true position, containing the position estimate in 3D with a probability of 61 %
SEP \(0.51 \left(\sigma_E^2+\sigma_N^2+\sigma_U^2\right)\) 50 % The radius of a sphere centered at the true position, containing the position estimate in 3D with a probability of 50 %

For accuracy measurements, the standard deviation of the error in the three local coordinates (in m) are computed as:

\[\sigma_E^{(\text{static accuracy})} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(E[l]- E_{ref}\right)^2}~,\] \[\sigma_N^{(\text{static accuracy})} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(N[l]- N_{ref}\right)^2}~,\] \[\sigma_U^{(\text{static accuracy})} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(U[l]- U_{ref}\right)^2}~,\]

with \(E_{ref}\), \(N_{ref}\) and \(U_{ref}\) are the East, North and Up coordinates of the reference location, respectively.

In case of precision measurements:

\[\sigma_{E}^{(precision)} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(E[l]- \hat{E}\right)^2}~,\] \[\sigma_{N}^{(precision)} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(N[l]- \hat{N}\right)^2}~,\] \[\sigma_{U}^{(precision)} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{l=1}^L \left(U[l]- \hat{U}\right)^2}~,\]

where \(\hat{E} = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^{L}E[l]\), \(\hat{N} = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^{L}N[l]\), and \(\hat{U} = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^{L}U[l]\).


How to write a new test

Tests behave very much like system “clients”: unit tests imitate the behavior of a corresponding client-class or classes invoking target class methods, and system tests imitate the user behavior. Thinking about how to test a class before actually writing it helps developers to focus on what really matters and to design better interfaces. In other words, it enforces Design for Testability.

The Google C++ Testing Framework provides an implementation of all those testing concepts described in the TDD process, allowing developers to concentrate on the testing code.

In order to create a new test:

  1. Use the TEST() macro to define and name a test case. These are ordinary C++ functions that do not return a value.
  2. In this function, along with any valid C++ statements you want to include, use the various Google Test assertions to check values.
  3. The test’s result is determined by the assertions; if any assertion in the test fails (either fatally or non-fatally), or if the test crashes, the entire test fails. Otherwise, it succeeds.
TEST(test_suite_name, test_case_name)
    ... test body ...

An example of this would be:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>  // Include Google Test headers
#include "rtcm.h"         // Include header under test

TEST(RtcmTest, HexToInt)  // RtcmTest is the name of the Test Suite
                          // HexToInt is the name of this Test Case
    auto rtcm = std::make_shared<Rtcm>();  
    std::string test1 = "2A";
    long int test1_int = rtcm->hex_to_int(test1);
    long int expected1 = 42;
    EXPECT_EQ(expected1, test1_int);

This test constructs an object called rtcm of class Rtcm (defined in rtcm.h) and wraps it into a shared pointer that will deallocate memory at the end of the test. Then, it tests the class member function hex_to_int and evaluates the result in an assertion, checking that the obtained result is actually the expected one.

For more details about the usage of the Google C++ Testing Framework and its available features, please check out its User’s Guide:

The existing tests are also a source of examples on how to write tests. Please place your testing code in an adequate folder from the GNSS-SDR source tree:

├── gnss-sdr
│   ├── tests
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   ├── common-files
│   │   ├── data
│   │   ├── signal_samples
│   │   ├── single_test_main.cc
│   │   ├── system-tests
│   │   ├── test_main.cc
│   │   └── unit-tests
│   │       ├── arithmetic
│   │       ├── control-plane
│   │       └── signal-processing-blocks
│   │           ├── acquisition
│   │           ├── adapter
│   │           ├── filter
│   │           ├── libs
│   │           ├── observables
│   │           ├── pvt
│   │           ├── resampler
│   │           ├── sources
│   │           ├── telemetry_decoder
│   │           └── tracking

Once the test code is written, you need to build and link it against the Google Test library. This process is managed in the file gnss-sdr/tests/CMakeLists.txt. You will need to list your new test in the appropriate place in order to include it in the building:

  • If your test is a Unit Test, please #include it in the file gnss-sdr/tests/test_main.cc and rebuild the source code. It should be getting included in the test program run_tests.

  • If your test is a System Test, please modify accordingly the file gnss-sdr/tests/CMakeLists.txt to define a new target and then rebuild the source code to get the new executable.

At the end of the building, we should be able to run your new test. In the example provided above, this would be:

$ ./run_tests --gtest_filter=RtcmTest.HexToInt*

with the following output:

Running GNSS-SDR Tests...
Note: Google Test filter = RtcmTest.HexToInt*
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from RtcmTest
[ RUN      ] RtcmTest.HexToInt
[       OK ] RtcmTest.HexToInt (1 ms)
[----------] 1 test from RtcmTest (1 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (2 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.


Happy testing!

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